Temporary Closure Notice

Dear valued customers, we would like to inform you about our branch closures for state holidays in March 2025. Click to find out more.

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Temporary Closure Notice

Dear valued customers, we would like to inform you about our branch closures for state holidays in March 2025. Click to find out more.

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Life Insurance for Protection

What is life insurance?

Life insurance plans protect you and your family from experiencing financial burden when the unexpected happens such as disability or death. It is an effective tool to deal with financial impact of various uncertainties in life, and it can also serve as a vehicle for accelerating your ability to reach your goals.

Our life insurance products

Our goal is to provide insurance solutions tailored to your needs and keeping you and your loved ones financially protected, as you spend time on the people and things that really matter. Manulife’s life insurance plans have you covered against disabilities or loss of lives, whether it is due to natural causes or accidental. Choose between whole life and term life insurance for a range of coverages with the coverage duration you need, all in just one policy.


<p>ManuTerm **</p>
Term Life

Life insurance coverage for a stipulated number of years at the lowest outlay.

<p>ManuProtect **</p>
Term Life

An affordable life insurance plan to protect your family’s future.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































<p>Manulife Future Shield&nbsp;**</p>
Whole Life

Strengthen your future with easy access and guaranteed whole life coverage


<p>ManuWhole Life **</p>
Whole Life

Provides life-time insurance protection at affordable premiums.

** The benefit(s) payable under eligible product is protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact Manulife Insurance Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

Read more articles about life insurance in our Insights