Temporary Closure Notice

Dear valued customers, we would like to inform you about our branch closures for state holidays in March 2025. Click to find out more.

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Temporary Closure Notice

Dear valued customers, we would like to inform you about our branch closures for state holidays in March 2025. Click to find out more.

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Medical expenses can quickly add up, especially when there’s a hospital stay involved. Our medical card plans are designed to protect and help you manage your medical bills.

<p>Manulife Health Saver Benefit + MHSB Booster *</p>
Medical and Hospitalisation

A medical plan that provides you with enhanced coverage on top of 30% discount from the very start
















<p>Manulife MediShield *</p>

Medical and Hospitalisation

Gett­ing my first medical protection is vital















<p>Manulife EZ-Med Deductible **</p>
Medical and Hospitalisation

Get yourself a medical card from as low as RM2 a day with no medical checkup required!

Manulife EZ-Med Deductible is a direct insurance plan which you can sign up at any of our branches.

PROTECTION BY PIDM ON BENEFITS PAYABLE FROM THE UNIT PORTION OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact Manulife Insurance Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

** The benefit(s) payable under eligible product is protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact Manulife Insurance Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

Find information on how to file a claim.