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Temporary Closure Notice

Dear valued customers, we would like to inform you about our branch closures for state holidays in March 2025. Click to find out more.

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Gett­ing my first medical protection is vital

Why should you get this plan?

Reimbursements for your medical expenses such as

pre and post-hospitalisation charges, intensive care services, surgical expenses, out-patient benefits.

Provides 30 years of coverage on Death and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)1, where upon valid claim, you or your family will receive the higher of Face Amount or Account Value.

Get your first life insurance plan with medical coverage in one plan from as low as RM100 per month to meet your protection needs.

Enjoy an auto-increase of 10% every year to the Annual Limit of your medical coverage at the end of each Policy Year, up to 50% of your original Annual Limit.

Continue to be protected under your medical coverage with no limit on how much you can claim in a lifetime.

Enjoy 30% Upfront Discount on the insurance charges of medical coverage upon effective date of this plan. If you do not make any claims during the first policy year, you will enjoy a 40% NCD on the insurance charges the following year. Thereafter, NCD will remain at 40% provided no claims are made.

The Deductible Amount shall not be applicable if the NCD of 40% is given for the Policy Year.

Enjoy a discount on the Insurance Charge for both death and TPD coverage when you purchase a minimum Face Amount of RM150,000.

Continue to enjoy coverage even if the Account Value is insufficient to pay for the policy charges in the first 6 policy years.


Understanding the Differences Between No Co Payment and Co Payment.


1. TPD Benefit is applicable throughout the policy term or up to age 69 next birthday, whichever comes first.

2. Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to policy contract for further details.

Get yourself a medical card from as low as RM2 a day with no medical checkup required!

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