Money is tight in this economy, and doubly so for millennials who are just getting started in the working world. Have no regrets by making purchases that make the most out of your money. When it comes to term life insurance, Manulife can give you one of the best options. You can enjoy life insurance protection with premium payments from as low as RM0.15 a day. This cheap premium makes it affordable for millennials.
Since millennials are a busy bunch, making them take time out of their schedules to apply for insurance may make it less appealing for them to do so. However, applications for ManuProtect can be done completely online, saving travel time as well as resources needed to go to a service centre or office. No medical check-up is required either, to further streamline the process.
In this day and age, customisation is very important in the eyes of customers; giving you more control of what you are getting. Millennials can take advantage of ManuProtect’s coverage options, ranging from RM50,000 to RM600,000 depending on income and there is an optional add-on which is the critical illness rider to further increase protection.
Getting an insurance policy is ultimately to protect your loved ones from any burdens that may arise from your passing or disability. ManuProtect takes this to heart, covering death and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD). Additionally, there is also an optional Critical Illness rider available for further protection in the event of cancer, heart attack, stroke, coronary artery bypass surgery, and kidney failure. ManuProtect allows you to be at peace even if any of these happen to you.
ManuProtect is a simple and affordable plan suitable for millennials who are just working their way up the corporate ladder. Sign up for ManuProtect and get protected today!