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Temporary Closure Notice

Dear valued customers, we would like to inform you about our branch closures for state holidays in March 2025. Click to find out more.

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Dear Valued Customer,

As part of our commitment to safeguard the interest of our policyholders, we wish to announce the following enhancements to Manulife EAP Managed Fund effective 06 October 2022. 


1. Increase in Equity/ REITs Asset allocation range and investment exposure outside Asia Pacific Region. 


Effective 6th October 2022

Asset Allocation

0% - 70% in Equities and REITs CIS, while the remainder is in fixed income, money market Collective Investment Scheme (CIS), and cash/ liquid assets  0% - 80% in Equities, REITs and commodities CIS, with a maximum of 20% in commodities CIS. Remainder will be in fixed income, money market CIS, and cash/ liquid assets
Region Exposure 0% - 20% in investments outside of the Asia Pacific region 0% - 40% in investments outside of the Asia Pacific region



2. Increase CIS universe to include Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and additional sub-funds of Manulife Global Funds.

3. Improve risk management strategy using derivatives for hedging against investment risk, such as market risk and interest rate risk, in addition to the existing hedging on currency risk.


These enhancements are expected to provide better management of funds and navigate through market dynamics during uncertain times. Rest assured that the enhancements do not impact the terms in your insurance plan.

We have enclosed a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for your better understanding. If you need further assistance, please consult your servicing agent or authorised bank representative. Alternatively, you may contact us at our customer service through:


Telephone       : 03-2719 9112 or 1-300-13-2323

Email                : MYCARE@manulife.com


Thank you.


Q01: What are the reasons for making such changes to Manulife EAP Managed Fund?

A01: The change in the fund’s asset allocation is aimed at achieving better performance during favourable market conditions and to be competitive with other similar types of investment linked funds.

Also, providing more allocation into global markets will allow us to diversify away from Asia Pacific markets when we witness weakness in the Asia Pacific markets, or increase exposure when opportunity arises in the global markets.

Adding ETF into fund universe will also allow the fund manager to access new geographical/ sector exposure and asset classes at cheaper transaction cost.

Finally, the use of derivative will help to hedge duration risk and equity volatility, allowing the fund manager to have a more efficient portfolio management.


Q02: Where can I get the latest information on the fund performance?

A02: For the latest fund information, you may refer to Manulife’s website at https://www.manulife.com.my/en/individual/funds/funds.html/


Q03: How will these affect my account value?

A03: Your account value will depend on the actual fund performance. 


Q04: Will these enhancements impact the risk profile of the fund?

A04: No. These enhancements do not impact the overall risk profile of the fund.


Q05: When will these be effective?

A05: These enhancements will take effect on 06 October 2022.


Q06: Is there any action required from me?

A06: No.


Q07: How will these affect the benefits of my insurance plan?

A07: There will be no change to the benefits of your existing insurance plan.  


Q08: How do I get more information?

A08: Please do not hesitate to contact your agent or authorised bank representative. Alternatively, you may contact our Customer Service during business hours.

Business Hours: Mondays – Fridays, from 9:00am to 5:30pm

Telephone: 03-2719 9112 or 1-300-13-2323

Email: MYCARE@manulife.com

Mondays - Fridays, 9:00am - 5.30pm (except Public Holidays)

Careline: 1-300-13-2323 

Email: MYCARE@manulife.com 


Mondays - Fridays, 9:00am - 5.30pm (except Public Holidays)