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Closure of Manulife Asian Small Cap Growth Fund and Manulife Emerging Eastern Europe Fund

Dear Valued Customer, 

We wish to inform that effective 10 February 2021, Manulife Emerging Eastern Europe Fund and Manulife Asian Small Cap Growth Fund will be closed from our overall investment-linked funds portfolio. 

All units available under Manulife Emerging Eastern Europe Fund and/or Manulife Asian Small Cap Growth Fund will be switched to Manulife Asia-Pacific REIT Fund on 10 February 2021, based on the prevailing net asset value per unit (market value).

As part of this transition, any premiums paid from 2 February 2021 onwards will also be allocated to Manulife Asia-Pacific REIT Fund, based on the existing fund allocation prescribed to the existing policies.

Policy owners may choose to switch to any of the available funds by performing Fund Switching at no charge. For more information on the list of available funds, please visit

Click here for guide to perform fund switch:


For more information, kindly access the documents below.

Please find the letter and Fund Fact Sheet attached under this page.

Closure of Manulife Emerging Eastern Europe Fund Letter.pdf

Closure of Asian Small Cap Growth Fund Letter.pdf

Manulife Asia-Pacific REIT Fund Fact Sheet.pdf


For any questions, please contact our customer service officers, we will  be happy to assist you.

Mondays - Fridays, 9:00am - 5.30pm (except Public Holidays)

Careline: 1-300-13-2323 



Mondays - Fridays, 9:00am - 5.30pm (except Public Holidays)