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Discontinuance of Manulife Asian Small Cap Growth Fund and Manulife Emerging Eastern Europe Fund for New Application, Fund Switching, and Change of Fund Allocation.

Effective on 12 May 2020, Manulife Asian Small Cap Growth Fund (MASCGF) and Manulife Emerging Eastern Europe Fund (MEEEF) will no longer be available for New Application.

Fund switching and change of premium allocation to MASCGF and MEEEF at policy servicing stage will also be disabled.

Renewal premium for existing policies that have invested in MASCGF and/or MEEEF will continue to remain invested in the respective funds.


For any questions, please contact our customer service officers, we will  be happy to assist you.

Mondays - Fridays, 9:00am - 5.30pm (except Public Holidays)

Careline: 1-300-13-2323 



Mondays - Fridays, 9:00am - 5.30pm (except Public Holidays)