Once you’ve determined who in your family depends on you, sit down and figure out how much financial support you provide for them in a specific time frame, say, a month. How would they get this amount of money if or when you are gone?
Even if there is no one financially dependent on you, it is still wise to consider a medical insurance or even a term life insurance in the event of hospitalisation or disability to help you cope with expenses.
Figuring out the right amount of insurance coverage is important. The more you buy, the more you have to pay.
If you don’t want to fret over the details, and want a basic, “no-frills” policy, you should get a term life insurance plan. This means getting a pure death benefit coverage without any cash value or savings component. Because of this, the premium that is charged for term life insurance is lesser than that of a whole life insurance plan. Typically the terms offered are 5, 10, 15 and 20 years.
Your health condition is an important factor on whether or not you qualify to get an insurance plan and will also affect the premiums. Hence, if you are healthy now, do not procrastinate and get covered now.
There is a common adage in insurance “When you need it (insurance), no one will offer it to you”. Therefore, you should buy at least a basic term life coverage whilst you are healthy and continue to upgrade.