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27 July 2019: Inauguration Ceremony of the Orang Asli Education Programme at Kampung Sungai Ruai

orang asli education programme Manulife Malaysia’s Senior Management team with Orang Asli children from five villages; Kg. Sg. Ruai, Kg. Ulu Ruai, Kg. Sg. Kelang, Kg. Satak and Kg. Bertang after presenting the mock cheque.

27 July 2019: Inauguration Ceremony of the Orang Asli Education Programme at Kampung Sungai Ruai


Manulife Malaysia held its Inauguration Ceremony of the Orang Asli Education programme on 27 July 2019 at Kampung Sungai Ruai. The Orang Asli Education Programme is in collaboration with Pertubuhan Komuniti Kasih Selangor (PKKS), a community welfare organisation, to assist Orang Asli children in the form of education support. The company’s financial support enables PKKS and teachers to conduct after-school learning sessions for the children and provide daily transportation of these children to their respective schools, which would otherwise be inaccessible.

orang asli education Manulife hopes to make life simpler for the children of the Semai tribe by providing them basic education assistance that they deserve.

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