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Manulife SME Business Solutions and SME Cashback Campaign


Manulife SME Business Solutions - Your Partner in Business Succession and Continuity Solution


With Manulife SME Business Solutions, we can provide you with the best customisable insurance solutions to protect your business and family with these key solutions pillars:

Key Person Protection – Covers the company’s loss of income and able to employ a new key employee without financial worries.

Debt Cancellation – Ability to pay off the business debts and loans.

Business Buy Back – Has the financial capability to buyout the deceased partner’s shares and receive 100% ownership control of business with minimal disruption (depending on agreement between partners)

Employee Retention Programme – Better retention of employees with medical coverage benefit

Additionally get a one (1) month premium cashback up to RM2,888* when you purchase the products below with a minimum annual premium of RM15,000:

*Terms and conditions apply


Please complete the form below in full and correctly within the campaign period to be entitled for the cashback reward.

SME Fact Find Form (SME Business Owner)


Manulife SME Business Solutions and SME Cashback Campaign